Prior to Arrival in Canada

Preparing for a Life in Canada


Toronto offers a variety of housing options to choose from. Here are some helpful links to explore:

Most student housing accommodations range from $600-$800 per month


All travellers are required to provide contact and quarantine information upon and after entry into Canada. This is part of Canada’s efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and prevent importation. This information is crucial to Canada’s response to COVID-19. Paper forms can be incomplete or inaccurate, and can take days to process. To help provinces and territories protect their citizens, the Government of Canada is moving to a safer and faster paperless process.

Download the ArriveCAN Mobile App to provide mandatory travel information required for entry into Canada.


Most banks in Canada offer Student Accounts that give discounts and offer certain perks and benefits to assist students. UMS Healthcare College is located near banks like RBC Bank, CIBC, BMO, TD Canada Trust etc.



Please review all the information below so you will be ready to safely travel to Canada.

Canada Public Health Directions
A Guide for International Students Arriving From Abroad
Government of Canada’s Quarantine Guidelines


International students must get a Health Insurance before they enter Canada. This can be purchased at various agencies.

Students view plans and get health insurance by clicking this link:

-Carry your Health Insurance Care with you at all times.
-Walk-in Clinics: For after hours or during weekends, these Walk-In Clinics are very useful. Find out the locations of such clinics in your area of residence.
-Physician: If you have an on-going medical condition, it is recommended that you find a family physician upon your arrival in Canada to get a full assessment of your current health.
-Hospital Emergency: There are many hospitals located near the College such as Humber River Hospital, West Park Healthcare Centre, St. Joseph’s Health Centre etc. Some hospitals charge administrative fees, which may not be covered by your insurance coverage.


You need a SIN before starting work in Canada, to file taxes as well as access government programs and benefits, if eligible. You will also need to provide your SIN to the College for tax purposes. You are eligible for T2202 receipts which cover the amount of tuition fees paid during that year and can be used to claim tax refund.

After arriving in Canada with a valid study visa you are issued a SIN at the time of arrival at the airport, along with the study permit. If the number is not issued at the airport for any reason, you can go to Service Canada offices in their nearby areas with your study visa, study permit and Letter of acceptance to get this number.

Alternatively, we recommend that you apply for a SIN online. You can also apply by mail or request an in-person appointment if you face barriers applying online.

If you are outside of Canada and you have a study or work permit, you can apply online for a new or extended SIN or confirmation of a SIN, even if you do not have a Canadian mailing address. In addition to your study or work permit, you will need your passport and proof of address.

For more details on SIN, click on the link belowย  –

For information on Tax filing and tax returns, click on the link below-