Our N95 Mask Fit Testing offers Qualitative Respirator Fit Testing (QLFT) that is based on OHSA requirements and meets the CSA Z94.4-11 standards on the proper selection, care and use of respirators.
This program does not require an approval under Ontario Career College Act, 2005.
Why Is It Required?
The N95 Mask Fit Testing is required in different fields of work. The most common field that requires fit testing is the medical sector. The reason being is if there is ever an outbreak of any sort, nurses and doctors should be able to grab a mask and go to work. They are exposed to a wide variety of viruses, sicknesses where masks help to protect them against anything that may be airborne.
Training Coverage
1. Donning and Doffing
2. Facial Seal
3. Seal Checks
4. Use, Care and Maintenance
5. Risks and Precautions
Preparation For Your Test
– Men must be CLEAN SHAVEN
– Women please remove make up
– NO EATING or DRINKING 20 minutes prior to appointment
– Laminated Wallet Card
– Valid for 2 years